La représentation de la pandémie dans les narrations Representing the Pandemic in Narratives


  • Vilmos Keszeg Département d’Ethnographie et Enthropologie Hongroise, Université Babeș–Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie

Parole chiave:

pandemic, narrative representation, biographical stories, perspectives, attitudes


The idea that there are not diseases but rather sick people goes back more than a hundred years. The nature of each disease is expressed in biographical narratives based on individual experiences in each community. The disease, depicted in a personal, epic, and narrative schemes, is no longer terrifying. Two years ago, COVID was scary because humanity had no experience with it. Over the years, the media has covered new and varied stories about the pandemic from all over the world and from all parts of the country. These stories represented the pandemic, its spread, progression, and outcome. By analysing the stories from different sources, the lecture traces the narrative representations of the pandemic in Romania.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Keszeg, V. (2023). La représentation de la pandémie dans les narrations Representing the Pandemic in Narratives. EtnoAntropologia, 11(1), 171–184. Recuperato da