Pour une ethnographie des pratiques ethnographiques pendant la pandémie du COVID-19 (mars 2020-à présent): notes de journal For an ethnography of ethnographic practices during the Covid-19 pandemic (March 2020-present): journal notes


  • Evangelos Karamanes Centre des Recherches du Folklore Hellénique (CRFH) de l’Académie d’Athènes, Grèce
  • Stamatis Zochios Centre des Recherches du Folklore Hellénique (CRFH) de l’Académie d’Athènes, Grèce

Parole chiave:

Ethnographic practice, fieldwork, COVID-19 pandemic, digital communities


Ethnographic practice in the form of fieldwork, its importance as well as changes in approach and method over time within the HFRC has been the subject of several analyses, particularly during the most recent period. The successive confinements and the various limitations to sociability during the pandemic period made it difficult to practice the ethnographic encounter, which was even suspended. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have noticed the formulation of digital communities which refer to public activities by publishing material (photos, videos etc.). Interesting questions arise on the construction of collective identities, collective memory, the conception of time on the basis of lived experiences but also on narratives of the more distant past of communities.

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Come citare

Karamanes, E., & Zochios, S. (2023). Pour une ethnographie des pratiques ethnographiques pendant la pandémie du COVID-19 (mars 2020-à présent): notes de journal For an ethnography of ethnographic practices during the Covid-19 pandemic (March 2020-present): journal notes. EtnoAntropologia, 11(1), 105–118. Recuperato da https://www.rivisteclueb.it/index.php/etnoantropologia/article/view/438