Diseguaglianze nell’eguaglianza. Il ruolo dell’amministrazione pubblica Inequalities in Equality. The Role of Public Administration


  • Alessandra Pioggia Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi di Perugia

Parole chiave:

Inverse care law, public administration, services, equity, ethic of care


In 1971 Julian Tudor Hart formulated the «inverse care law» to highlight how those most in
need of medical care, on average, receive less, and to highlight the inequities of many European
redistributive systems. Even today, our public administrations fail to reverse this law and the
people in greatest need receive less support and fewer services. Phenomena such as increasing
ageing, economic crises, migration, increase society’s needs and the number of people at risk
of being left without support. In order to understand why public administrations often fail to
intercept specifically the needs of the most vulnerable, it may be useful to consider the feminist
critique of today’s prevailing theory of justice, that of John Rawls. The essential objection
concerns imagining the people who enter into the social contract all as adult, autonomous and
independent. This leaves the concept of mutual interdependence out of the justice paradigm and
influences the behavior of public administrations. It is therefore necessary to rethink administration
differently and in this redesign process feminist thought can provide another important
contribution through the theories of the ‘ethic of care’.

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Come citare

Pioggia, A. (2023). Diseguaglianze nell’eguaglianza. Il ruolo dell’amministrazione pubblica Inequalities in Equality. The Role of Public Administration. EtnoAntropologia, 11(1), 31–42. Recuperato da https://www.rivisteclueb.it/index.php/etnoantropologia/article/view/433