La desarticulación social del cuerpo. Polisemia de la violación y subjetividad resistente en el genocidio ruandés


  • Michela Fusaschi Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche

Parole chiave:

‘gender’, ‘subjectivity’, ‘rape’, ‘Rwanda’, ‘genocide’


During the Rwandan genocide of 1994 up to half a million women and children, predominantly Tutsi, suffered large-scale rape and other types of sexual violence because of both their ethnicity and their gender. The Interahamwe militia, military and political leaders [sometimes women] directed or encouraged sexual assault to promote the annihilation of the Tutsi as a group. Some women managed to survive, and they tried to testimony in Kinyarwanda, their native language. In this article, based on field work conducted in post genocide since 2004, the author seeks an historical and anthropological interpretation of this violence. Finally, the author explores how the Rwandan subjectivity can’t be explained based on Western visions and judgments.

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Come citare

Fusaschi, M. (2022). La desarticulación social del cuerpo. Polisemia de la violación y subjetividad resistente en el genocidio ruandés. EtnoAntropologia, 9(2), 165–178. Recuperato da