Una mobilità esasperante, una vita a più tempi


  • Serena Caroselli Università IUAV di Venezia, Cattedra UNESCO SSIIM

Parole chiave:

, borders, temporality, women, human trafficking, debt


This article aims to reflect on the effects of forced mobility linked to the trafficking of Nigerian women and on the responses given to them by current European policies. I refer specifically to the European system of international protection and asylum and to the role of national anti-trafficking projects, which configure trajectories which, as in the case studied, reproduce experiences of limitation over time, since they are added to the indebtedness of women themselves with the networks of trafficking. The dimension of time becomes crucial to grasp not only the control mechanisms of migrant subjectivities but above all to reveal how the people themselves react, in terms of possibilities and agency, starting from the social and cultural horizon of reference. In the contexts of European borders, such as that of the Brenner  - between Italy and Austria - the expression of security and containment policies produces the phenomenon of secondary movements that place migrants in front of new complications to access the social space and recognition. For the woman protagonist of this ethnography, these obstacles are intertwined with the pressures of the trafficking networks, with the result of a multiplication of the negative effects on her life, which I intend to analyze specifically in this work.

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Come citare

Caroselli, S. (2022). Una mobilità esasperante, una vita a più tempi. EtnoAntropologia, 9(2), 133–148. Recuperato da https://www.rivisteclueb.it/index.php/etnoantropologia/article/view/385