Social media e prospettivismo politico. Questioni di metodo, ipotesi, domande aperte


  • Gaetano Mangiameli Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti, Università degli Studi di Milano La Statale

Parole chiave:

Facebook, Politics Perspectivism, Schismogenesis


Social media textuality mostly consists of comments on comments, namely reactions to reactions, feeding a schismogenetic spiral with interesting implications when political issues are involved. As debates often address the political identity of individuals as their inner, authentic, permanent feature, social media are arenas that people use to unveil their opponents’ political nature. This article refers to the notion of “ontological disclosure” in order to introduce preliminary reflections concerning some aspects of Facebook interactions about political issues, in their broadest sense, and aims to contributing to the elaboration of a research agenda on this subject by suggesting that the scientific literature on perspectivism and ontology might be relevant to the anthropology of social media.

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Come citare

Mangiameli, G. (2022). Social media e prospettivismo politico. Questioni di metodo, ipotesi, domande aperte. EtnoAntropologia, 9(2), 75–90. Recuperato da