Antropologia culturale, social media, rete: qualche riflessione preliminare


  • Gaetano Mangiameli Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti, Università degli Studi di Milano La Statale.
  • Eugenio Zito Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Parole chiave:

cultural anthropology, contemporaneity, web, social media, digital age


In this paper the authors introduce the monographic section on cultural anthropology, social media and web edited by them, presenting some preliminary reflections on these issues in the digital age and discussing briefly the five essays composing the section. Taken together, these essays propose a review of the studies on the topic, deepening some methodological issues relating to digital ethnography, explore strategies and methods of adaptation in different contexts with respect to the use of social media and more generally the web, provide interpretations on the multiple dimensions of change, think of social media as the content that people post, and discuss the political and relational uses of social media.

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Come citare

Mangiameli, G., & Zito, E. (2022). Antropologia culturale, social media, rete: qualche riflessione preliminare. EtnoAntropologia, 9(2), 11–16. Recuperato da