Etnografia Multispecie e relazioni uomo-animale nel turismo someggiato


  • Lia Zola Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, Italy

Parole chiave:

multispecies ethnography, human-animal relations, domestication, sustainable tourism, Alps


Recent anthropological resoning, fostered by the ontological turn debate [Descola 2005, Viveiros de Castro 1998, Ingold 1988, 2001] tackled the issue of multispecies etnography: it deals with the lives and deaths of all the creatures that for decades have stayed on the margins of anthropology. After outlining the main features of domestication, my essay focuses on human-animal relations with an insight into a type of tourism with animals, which has not been specifically investigated so far: donkey trekking.

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Come citare

Zola, L. (2021). Etnografia Multispecie e relazioni uomo-animale nel turismo someggiato. EtnoAntropologia, 9(1), 317–336. Recuperato da