Condividere il bosco. Un confronto tra regimi del patrimonio in Val di Fiemme


  • Nicola Martellozzo Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, Università di Torino

Parole chiave:

Fiemme Valley, Heritage regimes, Community forestry, Cultural landscape, Alpine tourism


This article aims to consider the historical transition between different forest heritage regimes in the Fiemme Valley. For most of its nine-century history, the community of Fiemme managed its woodland as a commons, a self-organized, long-enduring, and self-governed system of resources. This type of regime began to change as early as the 18th century, under the pressure of influential commercial companies and the administrative reorganization of the post-Napoleonic states. Nowadays, joint forest management and alpine tourism are shaping a new heritage regime, based on sustainability and the valorization of the forests.

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Come citare

Martellozzo, N. (2021). Condividere il bosco. Un confronto tra regimi del patrimonio in Val di Fiemme. EtnoAntropologia, 8(2), 33–50. Recuperato da