De Turin au Katanga. La globalisation d’un saint italien (saint Jean Bosco)


  • Edoardo Quaretta Università della Calabria Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Parole chiave:

childhood, education, Democratic Republic of Congo, Don Bosco, catholic missionaries, evangelization.


The pedagogy formulated by Don Bosco in the nineteenth century, which has its roots in a particular historical context, that of Italy and the city of Turin, has been characterized from the outset by the ambition of a worldwide diffusion. The article presents a case study which focuses on the Salesian mission in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo). Tracking the itinerary followed by Don Bosco's pedagogical system the paper analyses, on the one hand, his relationship with the project of colonial domination and, on the other, the process of canonization of Saint John Bosco in Europe.

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Come citare

Quaretta, E. (2020). De Turin au Katanga. La globalisation d’un saint italien (saint Jean Bosco). EtnoAntropologia, 7(2), 161–182. Recuperato da