Traditional agricultural life of Ukrainians as a scientific problem of ethnological research


  • Volodymyr Konopka The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Andrii Ziubrovskyi The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Parole chiave:

cereals farming, bread, agriculture, historiography, scientific problem, motive.


The article highlights the question of traditional agricultural life of Ukrainians as a scientific problem of ethnological research. The authors gave a try to characterize the state of development of this problem in the surroundings of ethnologists of the second half of XX – early XXI centuries, analyzing, first of all, analytical investigations connected with this scientific problem. On the basis of data, presented in the article, they made a conclusion that a number of questions, both from the history or evolution of cereals farming, and from baking history, its technology and spiritual component require a deeper study at the level of individual monographs.

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Come citare

Konopka, V., & Ziubrovskyi, A. (2020). Traditional agricultural life of Ukrainians as a scientific problem of ethnological research. EtnoAntropologia, 7(2), 115–130. Recuperato da



Etnologia e cultura materiale in Ucraina