Violenza ostetrica. Le potenzialità politico-formative di un concetto innovativo


  • Patrizia Quattrocchi Università degli Studi di Udine

Parole chiave:

Obstetric violence, childbirth, gender violence, reproductive rights, midwifery


In Latin America, over the past decade, the term “obstetric violence” has become part of the legal framework. Specific laws against obstetric violence–gender-based violence and the violation of human rights – exist in Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay. In the European countries a political, social and medical debate on the matter is still weak. In this article, I focus on the political and formative potential of this novel concept, according to the results of the anthropological research project “Obstetric Violence”. The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth”.

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Come citare

Quattrocchi, P. (2019). Violenza ostetrica. Le potenzialità politico-formative di un concetto innovativo. EtnoAntropologia, 7(1), 125–148. Recuperato da