Concetti globali per categorie socialmente impreviste: le politiche di «salute sessuale e riproduttiva» rivolte alle madri non sposate in Marocco


  • Irene Capelli Ricercatrice indipendente

Parole chiave:

sexual and reproductive health, Morocco, extramarital pregnancy, nongovernmental organizations, care.


This contribution discusses the deployment of the global category of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in Morocco by focusing on the case of the pregnancies occurring outside marriage, that do not conform to local social, legal, religious norms. Attention will be drawn particularly to the initiatives promoted by NGOs which, while providing social and medical care to young unmarried mothers upon specific eligibility criteria, also target them with “sexual education”. I argue that such activities – dealing mostly with risk prevention – re-moralize and normalize female non-normative sexuality by striving to enhance the subjects’ individual responsibility, without explicitly addressing health and sexual rights.

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Altri riferimenti

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Come citare

Capelli, I. (2019). Concetti globali per categorie socialmente impreviste: le politiche di «salute sessuale e riproduttiva» rivolte alle madri non sposate in Marocco. EtnoAntropologia, 7(1), 19–36. Recuperato da