Saggio sulla fortuna. Le casualità fortuite nelle traiettorie biografiche delle giovani milanesi


  • Edda Orlandi Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, Università degli Studi di Milano

Parole chiave:

Luck, chance, uncertainty, youth, women


The topic of luck has recently attracted new interest in anthropological literature, focusing on its role in understanding economic cosmologies. Lucky chances stand out in comparative perspective as a crucial cultural theme in contemporary western society, where the notion that unpredictability is a key feature of the social world is emphasized. I explore this topic in a research based on in-depth interviews with young women having finished education during the post-crisis years in Milan. A comparison is drawn between the narratives of university educated women and women who left school early.

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Come citare

Orlandi, E. (2018). Saggio sulla fortuna. Le casualità fortuite nelle traiettorie biografiche delle giovani milanesi. EtnoAntropologia, 6(1), 209–230. Recuperato da