Gastronomia tradizionale uguale sviluppo locale? I limiti di un’equazione: il caso degli agnolotti in Piemonte


  • Michele Fontefrancesco Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo Bra (CN)

Parole chiave:

Food, local development, Italy, embeddedness, value chain


Traditional food is a resource for local development. This is a common thesis in public, international debate. In a context of overall impoverishment of the rural communities, it suggests a bright future for those communities that embrace the mantra. This paper tackles the thesis, presenting a vivid ethnography of Southern Piedmont (Italy) foodscape. Focusing on the ethnographic research concerning the gastronomy of agnolotti, a traditional kind of ravioli, it points out the limits of the actual economic contribution that the revival of traditional gastronomy. However, it highlights the positive impact in matter of social and cultural cohesion that the revival and promotion of food traditions can have on the local level.

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Come citare

Fontefrancesco, M. (2018). Gastronomia tradizionale uguale sviluppo locale? I limiti di un’equazione: il caso degli agnolotti in Piemonte. EtnoAntropologia, 6(1), 191–208. Recuperato da