Soviet Ethnography: A Failed Affair with Marxism


  • Andrei V. Golovnev Museo di Antropologia e di Etnografia "Pietro il Grande", San Pietroburgo, Russia

Parole chiave:

Ethnography, ethnology, Russia revolution, Soviet power, Marxism ethnicity


Soviet power came into being after Revolution of 1917 with the efficient support of counter-imperial ethnic/national forces which also provided later on the composition of USSR as multinational state and, accordingly, growth, or even boom, of the ethnography/ethnology. However, since the new state and novel elite strengthened their positions, the same forces began to treat as the threat to the Soviet power. That was the background of turning point and drama that happened to early Soviet science on peoples and cultures in the late 1920s and early 1930s described in the article.

Biografia autore

Andrei V. Golovnev, Museo di Antropologia e di Etnografia "Pietro il Grande", San Pietroburgo, Russia

Direttore del Museo di Antropologia e di Etnografia "Pietro il Grande" Kunstkamera di San Pietroburgo, Russia

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Golovnev, A. V. (2018). Soviet Ethnography: A Failed Affair with Marxism. EtnoAntropologia, 6(1), 47–60. Recuperato da