Paesaggi di coesistenza, ovvero come attorno ad un passeriforme si articola l’abitare in una zona di montagna


  • Lia Zola Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, Università di Torino


Parole chiave:

multispecies, thnography-mutualism-Alpine, anthropology-frictions


Landscapes of coexistence is a term used by a team of zoologists in a 2019 article referring to
the degree of tolerance between a population of lions and humans within three African natural
parks and meant as «the sustainable cohabitation of people and lions within a shared landscape»
[Western et al. 2019, 204). Based on field research carried out in three alpine valleys, Valle
Susa, Val Chisone and Val Troncea, my essay tries to broaden the understanding of landscapes
of coexistence by arguing that they are complex sites of relationships where humans and non
humans alike shape and co-shape them through interactions but also frictions and conflicts that
revolve around a small bird, Petronia petronia.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Zola, L. (2024). Paesaggi di coesistenza, ovvero come attorno ad un passeriforme si articola l’abitare in una zona di montagna. EtnoAntropologia, 12(2), 41–53.



Sezione monografica