Quand il n’y a plus de concerts… Les musiciens de l’ensemble Orpheus XXI (Jordi Savall) en temps de pandémie1 When there are no more concerts... The musicians of the Orpheus XXI ensemble (Jordi Savall) in times of pandemic


  • Alicia Vogt École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre Georg Simmel, France - Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main, Institut für Ethnologie, Germany

Parole chiave:

Musicians, migrations, institutions, uncertainty, pandemic


In the context of the pandemic, the absence of a concert serves as a heuristic tool to see what migrant musicians of the orchestra Orpheus XXI (Jordi Savall) in France and Germany do during this time. The lack of concerts impacts their economic income, their daily and family lives, and reduce the practice of their profession as musicians; they develop strategies to compensate this lack. The pandemic also exposes and reinforces inequalities in economic and professional status between musicians.

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Come citare

Vogt, A. (2023). Quand il n’y a plus de concerts… Les musiciens de l’ensemble Orpheus XXI (Jordi Savall) en temps de pandémie1 When there are no more concerts. The musicians of the Orpheus XXI ensemble (Jordi Savall) in times of pandemic. EtnoAntropologia, 11(1), 91–104. Recuperato da https://www.rivisteclueb.it/index.php/etnoantropologia/article/view/437