La comunità debole: cohousing tra utopia sociale e mercato capitalistico


  • Dario Altobelli


Parole chiave:

cohousing, community, market, social ecology, utopia


The term cohousing indicates a particular social phenomenon that makes its first appearance in Denmark in 1972. It consists of a community of people who have chosen to live together in villages or condominiums which have established in advance the rules of coexistence and in which there are areas of common use. The cohousing observed in recent years a significant spread in the world by binding to the ideas of ecological matrix, and there are some pilot projects in northern Italy.

The paper intends to present the phenomenon in its general aspects, focusing in particular on what can be called the "philosophy" that animates these communities of residence, which appear, for many reasons, "weak". An analysis made above with reference to publications and interviews with developers and some members of the Italian projects shows critical aspects. Among these, the absence of a political vision wider and more general, an ambiguous relationship with the marketing and the logic of capitalist market and, finally, a reminder at times casual to cultural values, symbols and discourses which refer to a logic of "good time past" and a now-lost "community spirit".

Riferimenti bibliografici

Agamben G. 2001, La comunità che viene, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.

Ballard J.C. 2007, Il condominio, Milano: Feltrinelli (ed. or. 1975).

Blanchot M. 2002, La comunità inconfessabile, Milano: SE.

Bookchin M. 1997, The Politics of Social Ecology: Libertarian Municipalism, Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Latouche S. 2009, Breve trattato sulla decrescita serena, Torino: Bollati Borighieri (I ed. 2008).

Lietaert M. (a cura di) 2007, Cohousing e condomini solidali. Guida pratica alle nuove forme di vicinato e vita in comune con allegato documentario “Vivere in cohousing”, Firenze: Editrice Aam Terra Nuova.

Nancy J.L. 1995, La comunità inoperosa, Napoli: Cronopio.




Come citare

Altobelli, D. (2014). La comunità debole: cohousing tra utopia sociale e mercato capitalistico. EtnoAntropologia, 2(1), 141–150.


Riformulazioni – Valorizzazioni – Rifunzionalizzazioni